Dialon Zinc Ointment

For the treatment of wounds

  • Protects the skin against external influences
  • Binds eventual wound secretions
  • Astringent effect

Dialon  zinc ointment assists and supports the healing of wounds, including exudative or itchy wounds and fissures. The zinc oxide it contains assists the natural regeneration process of wounds already in the healing phase by protecting the skin as a barrier cream and binding wound secretions.

As a mildly antiseptic drawing salve, the tried-and-tested zinc ointment  draws excessive moisture and pus from the seat of infection; as a barrier cream,  it creates a protective film and prevents infiltration of the wound by germs.

Often underestimated, but vital: The skin is our largest organ. It protects the body against external influences, keeps our temperature constant and helps us to perceive sensory stimuli such as temperature, pressure and moisture. But it can only do all this when it stays healthy and intact. If it is injured, the body works as fast as it can to repair the damage. For this, it relies on complex repair mechanisms that we can assist with appropriate measures and remedies, for example, our Dialon Zinc Ointment.

Zinksalbe Dialon Wirkstoff: Zinkoxid Anwendungsgebiete: Zur Unterstützung der Wundheilung, auch bei nässenden oder juckenden Wunden, Schrunden; Verwendung als Decksalbe. Warnhinweis: Enthält Wollwachsalkohole und Cetylstearylalkohol! 

Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihre Ärztin, Ihren Arzt oder in Ihrer Apotheke. Stand der Information: 10/2023. Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG, 61138 Niederdorfelden.

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